Get Into God's Presence

Get Into God's Presence | March 6, 2024

 Do you have or do you recall a person in your life that, when you are in their company, you instantly feel better? Maybe it's a relative or friend. Whether it was their voice or the warmth of their touch, just being with them lifted you. See, God created you to respond positively when in the presence of people who encourage or inspire you. Neurologically speaking, studies show that your brain releases oxytocin, which is a neurotransmitter that can produce a sense of overwhelming contentment.

No wonder Psalm 16:11 says, "You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."

When you get into God's presence, your brain responds in ways that impact you and your day for the better. Notice first that there is an unmistakable joy. Once again, neuroscience testifies to the handiwork of God and His creation.

When you have joy, your brain releases dopamine that gives you a sense of happiness, positively affecting your appetite, mood, and ability to learn. Thus, your attitude and outlook improve. You process success as a blessing and setbacks as an opportunity. Even those people who irritate you don't seem so bad, and those problems aren't as big as you thought. Getting into God's presence also invites eternal promises (pleasures) such as peace and refuge, two indispensable blessings.

While all this sounds wonderful, how do you get into God's presence? Perhaps the best way to begin is by starting with the Scriptures, particularly a Psalm like our verse today (Psalm 16:11), and you can expand that into an entire chapter or another book like the Gospels as you get going. But jumpstart your time immediately with God by zeroing in on one primary verse or passage. Next, either before or right after reading, listen to a worship song and reflect on the words. These combined actions will launch you into God's presence and redirect your focus.
Once God has your attention and you sense His presence, your prayers can also include praise and confession.

Last, be consistent. Make it your business to get into God's presence early and often daily.
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